Can Poor Packaging Damage Your Brand?

Poor Packaging

With an ever more ecological state of mind, the customer pays more and more attention to the parcels he receives. A package containing a surplus of rigging is synonymous with a company that does not care about the environment . This negative image of your brand can be expensive for your company with the key of the customers who will not renew their order even a bad buzz if one of them post a photo of this surplus of packing on the social networks ( consequence: all his contacts will refuse to order from you). That's why the packaging of products is no longer a step to take lightly!

Unboxing, or "unpacking" in French, is a phenomenon created on social networks that involves filming the unpacking of a package that has just been received . Many influencers realize it when they receive, for example, a beauty product to test but also fans who receive a collector's item of their favorite saga.

It is enough to note the large number of videos of people unpacking a package but also the millions of views they generate to understand that the unpacking of a package is an integral part of the shopping experience . It is therefore essential to make this experience even more enjoyable if it is filmed and broadcast on social networks!

Some Examples of Surplus Packaging

The most frequently mentioned problem is the size of the carton which is disproportionate compared to the product (s) to be delivered . As a result, order pickers are forced to put a lot of calibration to ensure the protection of the product (s) contained (s) inside. Result: you order a day cream and you end up with a box that can contain a dozen large books!

Surplus packaging also concerns excess stalling, especially if it is unjustified. This is the case, for example, of a package containing fragile food products (such as peanuts) that find themselves wrapped up in dozens of air cushions! There is no shortage of examples of this kind on social networks. It is better to avoid publicizing your brand through a negative image like this one.

How to avoid Overpackaging While Effectively Protecting its Products?

Above all, it is imperative that you think carefully about the packaging that you will use to ship your packages. Thus, you will avoid choosing oversized packaging in which it will be necessary to put a lot of rigging!
Cardboard, a safe bet

As far as shipping packaging is concerned, cardboard and Kraft remain the most used material for e-retailers and they are right: four out of five consumers believe that cardboard is the most suitable material for parcel shipments. (Source: Pro Carton Study - EHI Retail Institute, 2015). Why ? Because the cardboard is biodegradable, recyclable and reusable, besides being able to withstand blows, shocks and crushing. It has only assets in short!

It is very important to choose a cardboard box adapted to the dimensions of your product. So, you will not need to put a lot of rigging products. This will save time and money but will also make you greener in the eyes of the customer.

 The Choice of Calibration is Important

Choosing a rig is not an easy task! Indeed , it must be protective while being lightweight to avoid an additional cost in terms of postage ... but it must also please your customers! Some cushioning products are not liked by the general public, such as cushioning particles and air cushions to a lesser extent (source: Pregis White Paper 2016). The choice of calibration therefore also counts in the general impression of the package at its opening.

How do you know what kind of rigging your customers love? Simply by asking them the question! Do a little opinion poll to get concrete experiences.

But be careful not to fall into the opposite extreme and not put enough cushioning. Otherwise, the risk is that the product is broken, which has a more negative impact than the excess packaging because the customer feels neglected. A study shows that 73% of customers who received a broken product do not recommend any more at the merchant concerned (source: Package Insight for Prégis 2016). The best is to make test packages with your different packaging at all partner carriers to verify the level of protection of these.

Recycling of Packaging is also Taken into Account

Another important point is the recyclability of shipping containers. Indeed, once the package sent, it is the customer to throw the packaging in the trash. So, as far as they are few and recyclable! Therefore, prefer cardboard and paper packaging to simplify the sorting of waste: they will all go in the same bin. This will also help you reduce the environmental impact of all your parcel shipments and save on the cost of transportation.

Discover in this article all our other tips to reduce the environmental impact of your parcel shipments!


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