How to create beautiful white drawings on Kraft Boxes

Printing on Kraft Boxes

A simple white text printed on kraft boxes brings amazing results. In this article, we show you some ideas for using space on your cardboard and spicing it up with a unique pattern.Finding the right tone for packaging your brand is not an easy task. Did you think "exactly" when reading this sentence?

In fact, it influences many of your business areas - sales, branding, and even "shareability" of your product images on social networks. In other words, it is a decision that requires reflection.
Here is a solution that is not only a safe choice but one that catches the eye. Let us introduce you to the white ink printed on kraft paperboard. Before delving deeper into this concept, let's clear up a simple question

What is the Advantage of Using a Single Color Against Multiple?
A single color design is a smaller investment than a multiple color design. This means that choosing to print in white can be a cheaper choice for you. It's elegant - just like the dark prints. Black is associated with elegance, but a minimalist white design is also the case, as you will see later.

Natural cardboard gives your packaging design a warm, organic feel.Many brands prefer minimalism to over-design because it's a great way to let natural colors, textures and tones speak - less sometimes as you know.

But let's go back on our steps.
·         White on kraft - how to make the most of it?
·         What ideas can you put in place to give your boxes a beautiful appearance?
Cosmetics and food products are a little different from most products because packaging is much more important than products. It contains elements that are not necessarily user-friendly for all designers.

Kraft Box Printing

What do we mean by that?

Take a look at the packaging of Young To The People - it's a beautiful design, which also looks great in pictures. It intelligently uses the necessary information about the product (visible on the side) and makes it a crucial element in the design.

Minimalism is suitable for many types of businesses, such as subscription boxes, companies in the hotel and restaurant industry, and many others. The universal beauty of simplicity applies to many sectors, products and customers.

The following is an example of how to use white on kraft in the subscription service. Birchbox often likes to try various things in his design. One of their ideas was also white on kraft - an original font that uses most of the space of the upper walls. A handwritten print adds a personal touch to the box , which - in the case of subscription boxes - is a highly recommended technique because people like to be treated in a particular way.

White Imprint on Cardboard Boxes

This idea does not just apply to packaging design. Kraft paper is often used for invitations as well.These invitations and thank you notes can also have an impact on your branded box project! Take a look at the example of DonutForget Lettering - a floral pattern reminiscent of Hand painted pattern, which can definitely give you ideas too.

Design Details

Another idea is to use a tiny white print and let the brown organic cardboard speak for the brand. Such an idea was fabulously developed by a Swedish design studio Kurppa Hosk in cardboard boxes with a lid at the bottom. This minimalist approach is a hallmark of the Scandinavian design school.

Minimalist Design on Card boxes

A similar approach has been used by COS Stores , a brand that sells clothing and clothing accessories.In collaboration with Hay, the brand has developed a unique range of white boxes on kraft. Each project included a pictogram, which symbolized the product inside. In this way, the project was also descriptive for the client.
While minimalism is shaking up the e-commerce industry, it's not the only approach.
A design by the New York company dn & co, manufactured for the British furniture company Isokon Plus, seized the opportunity to create a universal footprint on different sizes of packaging. The modern font, the white ink and the addition of a 3D effect by dissecting the logo of the company on two walls deserve to be appreciated.

White Text Printed on a Kraft box

Just like the packaging for Isokon Plus, the boxes created for Most Modest used a similar idea. A white imprint "broken" on several walls draws attention to the logo. Forget that the name of your company is not so easy to decipher. It attracts attention and creates an intriguing form.

Cardboard Packaging with White Imprint

As all the above examples prove, the white ink on kraft paperboard is quite powerful and inspiring. It can be applied to the packaging of a wide range of products, from cosmetics to food products to furniture. This could also apply to you!

If you are looking for a new look for your box design, a white imprint could be the right solution.


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